Strawberry Wine

Strawberry wine has long been one of the best known and best loved country wines, especially in England. This is hardly surprising the English climate is a lot more suited to the growth of strawberries that the usual grapes that make wine, in recent years though it has found little space on supermarket shelves.

The fact that it is so easy to make does make strawberry wine a popular one to make by the amateur. If you consider wine in its strictest sense then strawberry wine isn't strictly a wine made as it is from fermented strawberries. Strawberries will ferment by themselves if they are left to their own devices, although bacteria present during the fermentation process could lead to a bad tasting wine. For a pleasant tasting wine the strawberry wine must be fermented in an air sealed cat, although these can be brought easily enough from numerous internet sites. The addition of sugar, citric acid, water wine yeast and nutrients is enough to complete the creation of strawberry wine. Many people will also add other fruits like raisins and dates to make amendments to the taste.


Despite being easy to produce, or perhaps because of it, strawberry wine has few fans amongst the wine tasting community. For the amateur it does exactly what you would expect from the strawberry wine, it's alcoholic and tastes of strawberries. You may though struggle to find it unless you make it yourself. If you go looking to buy strawberry wine, then the best place to look is on the internet. There are many European producers who will sell their product to you.

Whilst it is possible to get drunk quite easily if drinking strawberry wine, the wine is actually better utilized as a dessert wine. Going well as it does with strawberries, raspberries and blackberries, or any form of strawberry dessert. Other great usage of strawberry wine is as an opening drink, just like champagne is used at the start of parties and weddings. Many people also serve it at barbecues.

For England strawberry wine is an ideal wine to make for the amateur and the professional. Strawberries are easy to grow in large numbers in the English climate, and to make wine from this fruit is fairly easy and purely requires some patience and a bit of trial and error. The taste can be made pleasant enough so really it deserves a much better reputation than it has.

Strawberry Wine

Robert Grazian is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about strawberry wine [] visit Fine Wine Site [] for current articles and discussions.