Getting a Few Facts Straight About Wines

If you're shopping for something, choosing the best product from among the slew of brands out there can prove to be an arduous task. The variety of products can get your head spinning in a daze. The choosing gets even harder when you hear about certain myths about a product. For example, you may have second thoughts about buying a certain item because there's misinformation about it that's been handed down from generation to generation or because some malicious tongues are giving it a bad rep.

When it comes to choosing wines, there are also a few misconceptions and fallacies about them, with some even reaching the stature of being a myth. Some wine lovers do not get to choose the best bottles and maximize their enjoyment of their wine either because they don't have enough info in their hands or they are misinformed. The following is a list of factors that will help you get the facts straight in terms of buying and enjoying wine:


The right temperature - Is there really a right temperature for wine? Can't we just pull out a bottle anytime or open it right after purchasing it from a shop? Well, no one can really stop you from uncorking or unscrewing (the question as to which one is better will be also be answered here) a bottle cap when you feel like having a sip of a Pinot Noir, a Cabernet Sauvignon or a Shiraz when you feel like it. However, you'll enjoy it more if they are stored within a certain temperature range. Reds are best between 55-65 degrees Fahrenheit, while their white counterparts are best chilled within the 41 to 48-degree range.

Getting a Few Facts Straight About Wines

Cork or screw caps? - The uninitiated may not be able to tell the difference between wines that are kept under a screw cap from those under a cork cap. Although many traditional wine aficionados may sneer at the thought, wine stays purer when they under a screw cap instead of under the cork type. This is why in some countries, you won't find a lot of bottles capped by a cork.

Food pairings - The long-held belief that reds go better with red meat and whites with white meat is not really something to be regarded as gospel truth. The verdict as to which goes well what will eventually depend on the person's taste buds. The color of the wine doesn't really dictate the color of the food to be paired with it.

Next time you buy and drink your wine, take heed of these tips so your wine experience becomes more enjoyable.

Getting a Few Facts Straight About Wines

Among the popular red wines, Pinot Noir is one that engages the head as much as it does the heart. Its flavor profile is a showcase of fruits and game-like qualities. Get Pinot Noir and other types of fabulous reds at