Although not as common as food allergies, people affected by wine allergies have as severe reactions as with any allergy. Sometimes people are even unaware that they may have these allergies, chalking up symptoms to "something they ate" or even being "hung over". The symptoms can be hives, severe headaches after just a small consumption of wine, itchy eyes, skin rashes and this can even trigger an asthma attack.
What Causes It
Even though, the first thought when someone has this allergy, could it be the alcohol? There are many more ingredients that are the probable culprit in this type of allergic reaction. The production of wine is somewhat complicated, using a method to produce the wine; and then, one to preserve it. In both processes there are many additives used to complete the entire wine making process. A common element found naturally in wine is sulphur dioxide. This compound is found on growing plants, including grapes. It is additionally added by winemakers because it helps to prevent organisms from growing in the wine. In addition, it keeps the wine from turning to vinegar by slowing yeast growth. There are limits to how much sulphur dioxide can be added to wine. For many, this ingredient may be the cause of their condition. Sweeter wines contain more sulphur dioxide; these are more likely to be white wines.
Red wines contain a larger variety of ingredients, and people allergic to wine may have more reactions when drinking red wine. Histamines can be found in red wine, and this could be a trigger for some with wine allergies. The reaction seen from histamines is usually like a hay fever attack, with sneezing and itchy eyes.
To discover exactly which component is causing the allergic reaction, a patient can through a skin-prick test. If there is no skin reaction to any of the ingredients, than the patient has a wine intolerance, not wine allergies. With diagnoses of intolerance, further steps can be taken to learn how to eliminate that ingredient from your diet.
Organic wines are becoming more popular, enabling people with wine allergies to still enjoy a favorite beverage. There are several organic vineyards that can be located through internet searches. These vineyards are kept to strict standards to maintain the integrity of the organic label.
Learning what ingredients causes and possible ways to avoid the ingredients can enable people to enjoy a glass of wine.
What Causes Wine Allergies?
Roger Mitchell has been freelancing as a writer for several years now. His articles on popular health topics include allergies, weight loss and various product reviews can be found on many news sites. His latest contribution at where he share tips on how you should choose a canopy bed frame for your bedroom.